Monday, June 30, 2008


Went LCL today...
practiced quite alot...

did a damn stupid move that i invented...
"the infinity lock"...
now my neck hurts like hell...

anyway, its the first solo that i did not screw up...
at least i didn't blank out...
even though i did not use any of the moves that i practiced, at least i didn't make a fool of myself...

Now everyone at LCL noes me as "the camera-man"...

Also got my derby from Chunky...
thx alot...

And last of all thanks to Waffle for doing something good...
woo hoo =)...

going to rush out my cover letter now...
no sleep for me...
i'm HIGH...

Side Note: For all the LCL peeps who read my blog (does anyone of u do that?) i'll be uploading the pictures of today's session to the photobucket account soon... Just search Lioncitylockers on photobucket... Cheers...


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