Sunday, November 23, 2008
i wanna break...
i dunno wy but i haf the sudden urge to go Genting...
intending to go next year...
anyone interested??
i wanna go watch the dancical break out...
anyone wanna go???
Friday, November 21, 2008
Safari Good...
No 3 is ....... (scroll down)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This is some random shit...
Hentak kaki cepat hentak,
Nasi Goreng campur cempedak,
Kau mmg sudah pekak,
Aku jalan engkau tak nampak.
its in Malay... so if u can't understand it, ask your malay friend...
even better, if u noe mas selamat, ask him...
fuck my life...
some people really need a chill pill...
relax lah...
i'm the wolf who hunts alone...
Lobo, out... ... ..... (insert static noise here)
Monday, November 17, 2008
inspired, motivated, fucked up....
i really hate my life...
i envy others...
who cares...
life's meant to suck...
many things have happened in the past week so this will be one heck of a fucking long post...
was sick last tuesday...
wanted to do the outline for the speech on monday night...
ended up playing and watching videos till morning...
did not complete the outline...
didn't really care...
intended to go for the speech anyway but got a fucking headache...
went library sleep...
woke up with flu... -_-'''
went home, see doctor and take mc...
next day had high fever...
complete sianzation...
even had to go back to the doctor to extend mc... wtf lah...
finally went back to school on thursday...
attended micro-dipshit-econs lecture for the first time...
extremely short lesson with a break...
was still sick so ended up drinking soup from a straw in lecture...
i highly recommend everyone to try it...
straw-drinking soup make's soup dope...
later had the stupid html and computer shit lesson...
we had to do a class exercise and let the fucking useless teacher see...
supposed to do 2 parts but sick me only did 1 part and ask her to see already...
in the end only got 5/10 cos only got half...
fucking LOY WEE GHEE ...
think u very great ar?
i not scared to put your full name here...
f u...
Next up is floor the love 2008...
dopest event ever...
everything about the entire event is dope...
dope dancers, dope battles, everything dope shit...
the best thing is, elmo was there...
for those who don't know, i started locking after watching elmo...
so in a way, he introduced me to locking...
anyways, watching elmo battle was amazing...
his angles, musicality everything was fucking dope...
many people felt tat his partner 嚣张 was better than him but i think tats cos elmo wasn't battling at his full potential...
talked with him
LCL was the opening item of the event...
was honored to be part of the group doing the opening as well as to be one of the few representing LCL in its 1st official performance...
LCL is dope...
even managed to cypher with aka. Ra...
dope dancer...
found out tat he learnt from many of the dopest lockers in history eg. skeeter rabbit, don campbell etc...
he taught Originality Lockers...
the best thing of tat night was definitely the locking battle finals...
SO Funky (Elmo + 嚣张) vs. Sunset Alleycats (Hunky + Fong)...
dope battle...
ian aka hunky was fucking amazing lah...
i dare to say tat this is the dopest locking battle ever seen in Singapore...
a milestone in s''pore's locking history...
so fucking inspire after watching the battle...
dope shit...
and ian, if u ever read this, u rock, glad to have learnt from you...
the next day (sunday), went for LCL session at Dance on Us studio at Orchard...
thanks Chris of KSDP for letting us use the studio...
only very few people came though... :(
but, we managed to invite So Funky...
they shared a lot of things with us..
surprised at their willingness to share even thought they weren't paid a single cent...
learnt a lot just from the 20+ minutes...
dope lockers...
my insight and knowledge to locking has increased greeatly...
but can my skills match up?
shall start saving money...
plan to go taiwan next yr...
i need to start looking for a part time job...
took peekatures with them: LCL do the So Funky handsign
LCL with So Funky
We do the So funky hand sign, 嚣张 dun wanna join... :(
Went Far East to eat after the session...
for some wierd reason, we ended up eating at the ckicken rice store on the top floor...
fucked up sia...
fucking expensive, fucking attitude, fucking service...
i'll never go there again... and neither should you...
boycott the fucking store...
Went to school on monday but ended up not going for lessons...
cos i didn't do the ststs tutorial, later go then the stats teacher fucked up again...
so did the internet research project in the library...
do until damn fucked up...
wat the hell of a project is this?
test your skills of finding for information...
must only use the few stupid websites nia...
stupid fucked shit...
Tuesday, saw a stray dog walking around in the school near the musical fountain in the morning...
the dog was like just walking around, minding its own business, but everyone was practically freaking out...
so Dexter decided to help it by bringing it out of the school before some fucker calls the AVA and then fuck shit will happen...
so in the end i led the dog out of the school and it walked off in the direction of AMK central -_-'''...
hope it doesn't really go there...
live well cute doggy, don't get caught and stuff...
Anyways, had my presentation which was a week due...
random shit about volunteer at the spca...
who cares man...
its just 25%...
all i want is a pass...
after tat wanted to go home and bath and take POM notes...
boarded the bus and fucking slept all the way to tampines...
then from Tampines sleep all the way back to Yio Chu Kang...
so in the end missed the POM tutorial...
heard tat the POM tutor, ANNE MARIE, kuai lan with me...
who cares???
f off...
Today, went to school at 9 in the morning...
the Medora never appear...
at 9.30 then call say got car accident...
WTF lah...
so me, kuanee, mondyboi and YY went for breakfast...
when we came back she appeared liao...
ended up is got flat tire and she dunno how to change...
On a random note, COE bidding for this month is out :) ...
Class A $2 nia...
if i noe i also go and bid...
$2 can keep as souvinior...
haf to go ATTEMPT to study liao...
next week got 2 ICAs and i fucked up project to hand up...
fuck lah...
and i thought poly was slack...
regret sia...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What am i doing???
I have absolutely no goals whatsoever...
dun even noe wy i'm attending school...
try to do project then end up slacking and surfing the web the entire night...
some one help me...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
fuck all the cheena bastards...
my birthday is over...
i'm 18 liao...
can "legally" do many things already...
didn't celebrate or do anything special...
can't remember when was the last time i celebrated my b'dae...
no one to celebrate for me, no one to celebrate with me...
just went to some dog forums and read some dog blogs...
saw this story some time ago...

These are two puppies saved from a construction site. They are approximately 3 months old, both vaccinated, healthy and living happily. The one on the right is Shepherd (male) and the black one on the left is Lady (female).
Shep (short for Shepherd as he looks like a German Shepherd) is a veryfriendly and inquisitive little fella. He is so likeable, you just fallin love with him immediately. Always wanting to be the center ofattention, he'll be the first to investigate food, people, dogs, cats(which explains why he was the first and easiest to catch). The only boyin the litter, the smallest yet he is our "Braveheart" - size of a pup,heart of a lion. Many times, his bigger sized sisters will hide behindhim as if seeking protection and yes, Shep is always there for them. Heloves cuddles and pets and if allowed, will put his muzzle on your lapwhen he takes a nap. His huge pointed ears and sharp features make himuniquely handsome.
Lady as aptly named as she is behaves like one. More cautious than herbrother, though bigger in size, she has a lustrous coat of black andrich brown. She looks like a mini rottie or a fat dobbie.We anticipate her to be a good watch dog as she is always watching andif not sure, will let out a low growl. Lady is not as hyper as herbrother but certainly looks the faster to be trained as can keep stillfor longer periods. The seemingly smarter of the two, she lets her brother "check it out" before she ventures into anything."
discovered a while later that there was a 3rd sibling that wasn't caught yet at that time...
just read that some bloody fucking cheena workers had caught the 3rd pup...
most likely to eat her...
screw the blody fucking cheena bastards lah...
seriously lah...
the ava and manpower pple should do something aboout it...
like if they eat dog just fine them and then send them back homedun let them come back again...
damn agitated and irrated now...
all u cheena fuckers better avoid me...
i see one cheena, i fuck the cheena
fuck lah...
added some new links...
i really wanna help these stray dogs...
wy won't my father just let me adopt one more...