i like safari better than ie...
so much neater...
and it has cute fonts...
i love apple...
anyways, today in POM lecture, i was disturbing mursyid about different cartoons during our "childhood"...
so, for the benefit of everyone, Lobo shall give u a "childhood cartoons" 101... :)
No. 1 on the list is ...... (insert drumroll here)
The Tick!!!!
remember this dumb buff guy in a blue suit and his white butterfly-like sidekick trying to be superheroes and shit??
here's the opening...
No. 2 is........ (insert drumroll again)
this is a classic of its time...
was singing this song and irritating mursyid...
lets listen to it AGAIN!!!!
No 3 is ....... (scroll down)
mursyid has no impression of this show!?
how can tat be???
this was also another classic...
here mursyid, maybe this will refresh your memory...
How can u not remember this???
Lets sing it together... BIG BAD BEETLEBORGSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
ho ho ho...
there are many more classic shows such as he-man, VR trooper, dragonfliers, creepy crawlies, masked rider (the english one with the talking car and motorbike and the giant furby-like werewolf) and of course, mighty morphing power rangers....
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